At P S Analytical, we pride ourselves on solving customer's analysis problems; not only can we provide analysers suited to particular requirements, but we can also assist in finding the best chemistry method for the particular application and after installation and initial training provide on-going support for both technical and chemistry requirements.
Examples of some of the projects undertaken by PSA can be found on our Consultancy page.
This page details some of the applications which PSA has undertaken. As part of our continuous development programme new applications are constantly being undertaken and this pages is added to on a continuing basis.
NOTE: The elements of interest are colour coded for ease of identification
Hg As Se Sb Bi Te
Hg |
APP001 |
The determination of mercury in milk powder |
Hg |
APP002 |
The determination of mercury in oyster juice |
Hg |
APP003 |
The determination of mercury in human hair |
Hg |
APP004 |
Total mercury determinations in industrial and domestic wastewaters |
Hg |
APP005 |
Sampling method for concentrating mercury in natural gas |
Hg |
APP006 |
Rapid method for determining mercury in urine |
Hg |
APP007 |
The determination of mercury in urine using microwave dissolution |
Hg |
APP008 |
Total mercury determinations in drinking, surface, ground and saline waters |
Hg |
APP009 |
Comparison data for sir Galahad and potassium permanganate absorption |
Hg |
APP010 |
Determination of mercury in stabilised condensate |
Se |
APP011 |
Determination of Selenium in blood by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) |
As |
APP012 |
Arsenic determinations in soil, sediment and sludge samples |
Hg |
APP013 |
Mercury determinations in soil, sediment and sludge samples |
Sb |
APP014 |
Antimony determinations in soil, sediment and sludge samples |
Se |
APP015 |
Selenium determinations in soil, sediment and sludge samples |
Se |
APP016 |
Selenium determination in fresh, estaurine and nearshore water samples |
As |
APP017 |
Arsenic determination in fresh, estaurine and nearshore water samples |
Hg |
APP018 |
Determination of methylmercury in mussel homogenate |
Hg |
APP019 |
Determination of total mercury in mussel homogenate |
As |
APP020 |
Determination of arsenic in naphtha by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP021 |
Determination of selenium in whole blood and serum |
Hg |
APP022 |
The determination of mercury in whole blood |
Hg |
APP023 |
Determination of mercury in industrial effluent |
As |
APP024 |
Arsenic speciation by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP025 |
Determination of mercury in contaminated soil |
As |
APP026 |
Determination of arsenic in contaminated soil |
Se |
APP027 |
Determination of selenium in contaminated soil |
Hg |
APP028 |
Determination of mercury in liquid hydrocarbon/condensates |
Hg |
APP029 |
Determination of mercury in aluminum samples |
Sb |
APP030 |
Determination of antimony in potable waters |
Hg |
APP031 |
The use of PSA millennium merlin for the determination of mercury in a polluted marine sediment |
Hg |
APP032 |
Determination of mercury in standard reference material NBS3133 |
Hg |
APP033 |
Determination of mercury in zinc concentrates |
Hg |
APP034 |
Determination of methylmercury in marine liver tissue by gas chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP035 |
Determination of methylmercury in fucus sea plant by gas chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP036 |
Determination of mercury in tea samples using continuous flow vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP037 |
Mercury speciation in liquid hydrocarbons using gas chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Sb Se As |
APP038 |
The determination of antimony, arsenic and selenium in lead concentrates using continuous flow vapour generation - atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP039 |
Determination of mercury in poplar leaves using continuous flow vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Se |
APP040 |
Determination of selenium in human hair using atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
As |
APP041 |
Determination of arsenic in human hair using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP042 |
Determination of mercury in paper using continuous flow vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
As Se Sb |
APP043 |
Determination of arsenic, antimony and selenium in zinc concentrates by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP044 |
Determination of arsenic in poplar leaves using continuous flow hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Sb |
APP045 |
Determination of antimony in human bone |
Hg |
APP046 |
Determination of mercury in incineration ash |
Hg |
APP047 |
Determination of mercury in sewage flue gas |
Se |
APP048 |
Determination of selenium in grass using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP049 |
Determination of arsenic in oyster tissue using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP050 |
Determination of selenium in oyster tissue using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP051 |
Determination of selenium in children's nutritional supplements using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP052 |
Determination of selenium in milk using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP053 |
Mercury speciation using the Millennium Merlin speciation system |
Se |
APP054 |
Interference of copper on the determination of selenium using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Sb |
APP055 |
Antimony speciation using the Millennium Excalibur speciation system |
Hg |
APP056 |
Determination of mercury in sodium hypochlorite solution using vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP057 |
UV oxidation for the online treatment of mercury prior to determination by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP058 |
Determination of mercury in coal using vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Se |
APP059 |
Online reduction of SeIV prior to hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry determination of selenium (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP060 |
Determination of mercury in natural gas |
Hg |
APP061 |
Online mercury determination in wastewater from an incineration plant |
As |
APP062 |
Determination of arsenic in aluminum samples |
Sb |
APP063 |
Determination of antimony in aluminum samples |
Bi |
APP064 |
Determination of bismuth in hair using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Sb |
APP065 |
Determination of antimony in human hair using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP066 |
Fully automated determination of mercury in air using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP067 |
Determination of mercury in hydrogen using amalgamation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP068 |
Determination of mercury using continuous flow vapour generation atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) |
Hg |
APP069 |
Determination of mercury in fly ash |
Se |
APP070 |
Determination of selenium in wheat flour using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG_AFS) |
Se |
APP071 |
Determination of selenium in bovine liver using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP072 |
Determination of total mercury in crude oil and condensate feedstock by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP073 |
The use of cold vapour atomic fluorescence (CV-AFS) for the Ontario hydro method (ASTM D6784-02) |
As |
APP074 |
Determination of arsenic in coal using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP075 |
Determination of selenium in coal using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP076 |
Determination of selenium in cod muscle using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP077 |
Determination of mercury in sulfur using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
As |
APP078 |
Determination of arsenic in naphtha samples |
Hg |
APP079 |
Determination of mercury in naphtha using the Millennium Merlin |
Hg Se |
APP080 |
Determination of antimony and mercury in false nail adhesive |
Hg |
APP081 |
Determination of mercury in produced water |
Hg |
APP082 |
Determination of mercury in gases containing high levels of H2S using dual amalgamation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP083 |
Determination of total mercury in condensate sample using the millennium merlin and pre-concentration unit |
Hg |
APP084 |
Determination of trace amount of mercury in brine and water samples using cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP085 |
Complying the quality assurance program of EPA method 1631 and its application to the determination of ultra-trace mercury in rainwater samples |
Hg |
APP086 |
Complying the quality assurance program of EPA method 1631 and its application to the determination of ultra-trace mercury in water samples |
Hg |
APP087 |
Determination of total mercury in mixed LPG using ISO-6978 and ASTM 6350 |
Hg |
APP088 |
Methylmercury determination in human hair using high performance liquid chromatography and post column UV digestion coupled with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS) |
Sb |
APP089 |
Antimony speciation in soils using the Millennium Excalibur |
Hg |
APP090 |
Determination of mercury in poplar leaves using continuous flow vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry using hot plate digestion (CV-AFS) |
As |
APP091 |
Speciation of four toxicologically relevant arsenic species in water samples using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP092 |
Using the Millennium Excalibur for selenium speciation |
Se |
APP093 |
Determination of selenium in dogfish muscle and lobster heatpacreas using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP094 |
Mercury speciation in solid samples by thermal decomposition atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) |
Hg |
APP095 |
Determination of total mercury in waste lubricant oil by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP096 |
Determination of mercury in water samples using automated UV digestion with vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (UV-AFS) |
Se |
APP097 |
Determination of total selenium in drinking water samples with online pre-reductions hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP098 |
Bromination method for mercury in urine |
As |
APP099 |
Speciation of inorganic arsenic in food by hydride generation anion exchange liquid chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometry with online ultraviolet digestion (HG-LC-UV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP100 |
Total mercury in vegetables |
Hg |
APP101 |
Total mercury in fish |
Hg |
APP102 |
Continuous determination of mercury in waste and process water using the PSA 10.225 Online Mercury Liquid systems |
Se |
APP103 |
Determination of selenium in glass using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP104 |
Total arsenic analysis on swabs |
As |
APP105 |
Rapid arsenic speciation analysis in water samples using flow injection hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) with low pressure short column |
Hg |
APP106 |
Determination of total mercury in glycol by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP107 |
Determination of mercury fractions in caustic wash samples |
Hg |
APP108 |
Determination of mercury in caustic soda by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP109 |
Determination of mercury in mining waste containing high levels of cyanide |
As |
APP110 |
Determination of arsenic in hair using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry after open vessel digestion on a hot block |
Hg |
APP111 |
Determination of total mercury in urine after nitric acid digestion |
As |
APP112 |
Determination of arsenic in etidronic acid (HEDP) by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP113 |
Arsenic speciation in rice by hydride generation anion exchange liquid chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-LC-HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP114 |
Determination of total mercury in phenol using the PSA 10.515 Pre-Concentration unit |
Hg |
APP115 |
Determination of mercury in ethane using amalgamation (AFS) |
As |
APP116 |
Determination of arsenic in whole blood |
Hg |
APP117 |
Determination of mercury in pressurized liquid hydrocarbon samples collected in sample bombs |
Se |
APP118 |
Selenium speciation in yeast by hydride generation anion exchange liquid chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometry with online ultraviolet digestion (HPLC-UV-HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP119 |
Determination of total mercury in seaweed by cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
As |
APP120 |
Total arsenic analysis in animal feed by online UV oxidation hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (UV-HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP121 |
Determination of total mercury in animal feed by cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP122 |
Determination of total mercury in natural water using amalgamation (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP123 |
Determination of total mercury in hair by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
As |
APP124 |
Determination of arsenic in polypropylene |
Hg |
APP125 |
Determination of total mercury in iodated activated carbon by vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
Hg |
APP126 |
Determination of mercury in FGD wastewater using cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) |
As |
APP127 |
Determination of inorganic arsenic in rice by selective hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP128 |
Determination of total arsenic in FGD wastewater by online UV oxidation hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (UV-HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP129 |
Determination of total selenium in FGD wastewater by online UV oxidation hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (UV-HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP130 |
Determination of mercury in spent adsorbents for the petrochemical industry |
Hg |
APP131 |
Determination of mercury in sulphuric acid using CV-AFS |
As |
APP132 |
Determination of total arsenic in phosphoric acid by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) with and without online UV digestion |
Se |
APP133 |
Determination of selenium in sulphuric acid using hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP134 |
Determination of mercury in polypropylene |
Hg |
APP135 |
Determination of airborne mercury for occupational exposure within the oil and gas industry using hydrar sampling tubes with CV-AFS |
Hg |
APP136 |
Online determination of mercury in FGD wastewater |
As |
APP137 |
Determination of total arsenic in wastewater from an oil and gas refinery by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP138 |
Online determination of arsenic in drinking water |
As |
APP139 |
Online determination of arsenic in FGD wastewater |
As |
APP140 |
Online determination of arsenic in FGD wastewater from and oil and gas refinery |
As Se |
APP141 |
Using the Millennium Excalibur system for the speciation of arsenic and selenium metabolites in human urine |
Se |
APP142 |
Online determination of selenium in FGD wastewater |
Hg |
APP143 |
Mercury speciation in spent sorbent (total and elemental mercury) using atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
As |
APP144 |
Arsenic speciation in water samples using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS) |
As |
APP145 |
Determination of total arsenic in nickel refinery smelting processing samples by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
As |
APP146 |
Arsenic speciation in water samples using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS) using the 10.820-1000 binary gradient pump |
Se |
APP147 |
Selenium speciation in wastewater by HPLC-HG-AFS |
Se Hg As |
APP148 |
Determination of arsenic, mercury and selenium on sorbent traps suitable for gas phase measurements |
Se |
APP149 |
Determination of selenium in human finger nails |
As |
APP150 |
Determination of arsenic in human finger nails by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry after open vessel digestion on hot block |
Sb |
APP151 |
Determination and speciation of antimony in wastewater |
Hg |
APP152 |
Phenylation of methyl-and ethylmercury in water samples, liquid-liquid-extraction and analysis via GC-AFS |
Hg |
APP153 |
Propylation of methyl-and ethyl-mercury in seawater using derivatisation with liquid-liquid extraction and analysis via GC-AFS |
Te |
APP154 |
Analysis of total tellurium in environmental samples |
Hg |
APP155 |
Determination of elemental mercury in soil samples |
Hg |
APP156 |
Automated determination of total mercury in liquid hydrocarbon samples using the 20.600 auto injector |
Hg |
APP157 |
Determination of Mercury in water samples with automated sample digestion and vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
As |
APP158 |
Determination of Total Arsenic in Urine by Online UV Oxidation Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (UV-HG-AFS) |
Hg |
APP159 |
Determination of the Total Mercury using EN13211 with Dichromate Impingers |
As |
APP160 |
Arsenic Speciation in Urine Samples using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS) using the 10.820-1000 |
As |
APP161 |
Arsenic speciation in Natural Water samples using the PSA 10.820 MI Coupled to hydride generation AFS |
Hg |
APP162 |
Simple extraction and speciation method for methylmercury in seafood based on HPLC-UV-CVAFS |
Hg |
APP163 |
Speciation method for Methylmercury in Hair based on HPLC-CVAFS |
As |
APP164 |
Arsenic Speciation in FGD wastewater using LC-HG-AFS |
Se |
APP165 |
Inorganic Selenium Speciation in Mineral Water Samples using Selectivie Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (HG-AFS) |
Se |
APP166 |
Determination of Total Selenium in Fish |
Hg |
APP167 |
Methylmercury Determination in Seafood and air using Acetic Acid with LC-UV-CV-AFS |
Hg |
APP168 |
Determination of Mercury in Natural Gas - Gold Amalgamation Collection with AFS Detection Complaint to ASTM D6350 and ISO 6978 part II methods |
Hg |
APP169 |
Determination of Total Mercury and Mercury Speciation in Tuna Samples |
Hg |
APP170 |
PSA 10.216 Online Workroom Air Monitoring |
Hg |
APP171 |
Online Determination of Total Mercury in Treated FGD Wastewater using the 10.226 Analyser |
As |
APP172 |
Accurate and Precise Determination of Total Arsenic in FGD Wastewater using the Online 10.256 Analyser |
Se |
APP173 |
Accurate and Precise Determination of Total Selenium in FGD Wastewater using the Online 10.256 Analyser |
Se |
APP174 |
Selenium Speciation in FGD Wastewater using IC-HG-AFS |
Hg |
APP175 |
Accurate and Precise Determination of Total Mercury in Produced Water using the 10.226 Analyser |
As |
APP176 |
Determination of Total Arsenic in FGD Wastewater by Automated Sample |
Hg |
APP177 |
Determination of Mercury in Tobacco |
Se |
APP178 |
Determination of Total Selenium in Livers of Scottish Birds of Prey |
Hg |
APP179 |
Determination of Total Mercury and Methylmercury in Livers of Scottish Birds of Prey |
Hg |
APP180 |
Determination of Mercury in Fruit and Vegetables |
Hg |
APP181 |
Determination of Mercury in Rice and Barley |
Hg |
APP182 |
Determination of Mercury in Fish and Seafood |
Hg |
APP183 |
Determination of Mercury in Meat, Meat Products and Poultry |
Hg |
APP184 |
Determination of Total Mercury and Mercury Fractionation in Naphtha Samples |
Hg |
APP185 |
LC-AFS Determination of Methlymercury in Mineral Water with 0.04 ppt Detection Limits |
As |
APP186 |
Determination of Total Arsenic in Wastewater from Gold Mining Tailings using the PSA 10.256 Online Excalibur |
Hg |
APP187 |
Selective Extraction fr Methylmercury in Sediments and Soils |
As |
APP188 |
Online Determination of Arsenic in Drinking Water using the PSA 10.256 |
As |
APP189 |
Online Arsenic Measurements in Refinery Wastewater using the PSA 10.256 Online Excalibur |
Hg |
APP190 |
Online Measurements of 50% Weight Caustic Soda |
Hg |
APP191 |
Determination of Hg in Contaminated Sludge from Crude Oil and Natural Gas Condensate Storage Tanks |
Hg |
APP192 |
Complying to EN ISO 17852:2008. Method using a Combined Preservation and Digestion Step followed by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry |
Hg |
APP193 |
Determination of Total Hg and Thiomersal in Nasal Spray Products |
Se |
APP194 |
Organic Selenium Speciation in Boilogical Samples using Reverse Phase HG-UV-AFS |
Se |
APP195 |
Selenium Biomolecules Speciation using SEC-HG-AFS |
Se |
APP196 |
Determination of Total Selenium in Spinach |
Hg |
APP197 |
Determination of Mercury in Commercial Barites used in Drilling Fluids |
As |
APP198 |
Determination of Arsenic in Commercial Barites used in Drilling Fluids |
Se |
APP199 |
Determination of Inorganic Selenium Species in Trade Effluent Wastewater Samples |
Sb |
APP200 |
Determination of Antimony in Trade Effluent Wastewater Samples |
Hg |
APP201 |
Determinatio of Total Mercury in Seawater using Millennium Merlin 1631 |
If you would like a copy of any of our Application Notes, please click on our Information Request page and we will be happy to send you any information you require.